Python Full Stack Developer

Program Duration - 3 Months | Platform – Online / Classroom

Live Class
Industry projects
1 - 1 Mentorship
Secure Placement Assistance

Course Overview

Python is a strong OOP language with a high level of abstraction. Python is a scripting language. Python interpreters are available for a range of operating systems, making Python programs portable, and using this in web development can help you enormously. This Full Stack Python Developer course is designed to provide you a good understanding of the backend, frontend, and other web design approaches. You will going to learn

Core Python

  • Introduction to Python
  • Data types and Control Statements
  • List, Ranges & Tuples in Python
  • Python Dictionaries and Sets
  • Functions
  • Python Class and Objects

Advance Python

  • Modules
  • Multi-Threading

Technologies Used

Tools Used

Key Features